Monday, August 8, 2022

The Start Of Downfall Of America

The Start Of Downfall Of America ALERT: This Is The Start Of Downfall Of America... Be Prepared! ► Special thanks to Chamath Palihapitiya So if you think about taking $30 trillion out of the global economy, you know, you're talking about almost you know, I think it's 85 trillion is the world GDP. So like, you know, it's it's it's almost half of an entire year's worth of global GDP. It's going to take three years, probably of the slow, meticulous, you know, running off of money, you know, not re-introducing new money. So it seems like we're at the beginning of the beginning of something that's going to be long and drawn out and that's separate from whether we're in a recession or not. That's just the bear market that we're in. Right. And so you have to look at asset prices today as a microcosm of a much larger trend that has to be about fake money pushing asset prices up and now taking all that fake money out and finding out what the real price of something is. And I just don't think that takes six months. So for all the people that were, you know, fingers crossed, hoping that this would be the end of it, said Fraser, 75. We're done with this. They're going to raise 75 more. I just think that's not how it's probably going to be. It's going to take, you know, 24, 36 months. That may mean the bottom doesn't happen for another 18 months. We're in we're in for a lot of choppy market action. The markets are in complete turmoil. SPI down 21% year to date. Dow is down 17% year to date. As Sachs has pointed out, that is not representative of what happened to growth stocks at the same time. And the May CPI went up and it was at 8.6, we also got to 75 basis point rate hike. #housingcrash #stockmarketcrash #recession Tyler Pratt

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