Saturday, September 25, 2021

Chuck Schumer Furious at Republicans New Stimulus Plans Not Going Out Fast Enough

Chuck Schumer Furious at Republicans New Stimulus Plans Not Going Out Fast Enough Breaking News Updates - September, 2021 Chuck Schumer spoke with reporters today about his frustration with the republicans for not wanting to go with this new stimulus plans. He will go ahead without them and get the bills passed in the next few weeks. The President signed into law the $1,400 American Rescue Plan and in this video we will cover how the Stimulus Bill will include the new 4th stimulus checks. The Build Back Better Plan will also be covered in this video. This video is the Daily News of the American Rescue Plan for unemployment benefits that are the latest news and stimulus updates. It's our desire to make sure you get the help you need to get your stimulus check and the right information on how to see the status of your stimulus check. Since the small business owners and unemployment will benefit the most from the stimulus check, it's the American Rescue Plan that will give those the most support. Tyler Pratt

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