Sunday, October 4, 2020

What is a Barbell Approach to Investing?

What is a Barbell Approach to Investing? Beer Money Live! Grab a beer and let’s talk investing! Today we’ll talk about the barbell investing strategy and why it’s so popular right now! You might not have heard of the barbell approach to investing…if you’ve been living in a cave! I think I’ve heard someone on CNBC or advisors talk about this strategy five times in the last week alone. But what is a barbell portfolio and how do you know when to use the strategy? I’ll explain barbell investing, when to use it and how in our weekly livestream. Then I’ll answer all your questions on investing! πŸ₯³ Our Bow Tie Nation hit 250,000! I never imagined we could grow this community to a quarter-million people! You amaze me and I thank you every day. Help us reach more motivated money people by sharing this video with your friends and family or anyone else that wants to reach the financial freedom they deserve! Join the conversation in our private Facebook Group! My Investing Recommendations πŸ“ˆ πŸ“Š Download this Portfolio Tracker and Investing Spreadsheet! [Community Discount Code] Check out the stock simulator and Get a FREE share of stock worth up to $1000 when you open a Webull investing account with a $100 deposit! πŸ€‘ Free Webinar – Discover how to create a personal investing plan and beat your goals in less than an hour! I’m revealing the Goals-Based Investing Strategy I developed working private wealth management in this free webinar. Reserve your spot now! Ready to Make Money Online? πŸ€‘ Get this special negotiated deal with Blue Host for web hosting Free Webinar to Grow a YouTube channel! How I grew from 0 to 75,000 subs fast! Want to know how I started six blogs from scratch to make over $12,000 a month? Get this FREE five-day email course on building a blog that makes money and an easy checklist with everything you need. FREE Download: Want to know how I made over $140,000 last year blogging? Download this free quick-start guide to starting a blog and what you need to know to make money! My Books on Investing and Making Money πŸ’° πŸ“— πŸ“ˆ Step-by-Step Dividend Investing Step-by-Step Bond Investing Make Money Blogging πŸ“Ί Crushing YouTube πŸ™ Step-by-Step Crowdfunding SUBSCRIBE to create the financial future you deserve with videos on beating debt, making more money and making your money work for you. Joseph Hogue, CFA spent nearly a decade as an investment analyst for institutional firms and banks. He now helps people understand their financial lives through debt payoff strategies, investing and ways to save more money. He has appeared on Bloomberg and on sites like CNBC and Morningstar. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and is a veteran of the Marine Corps. Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA

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