Wednesday, October 28, 2020

$1,200 Stimulus Checks! Stimulus Check 2 - Trump Stimulus Package - (OCTOBER 28)

$1,200 Stimulus Checks! Stimulus Check 2 - Trump Stimulus Package - (OCTOBER 28) Here is your second stimulus check update and stimulus package on the 2nd stimulus check update for October 28th. In this video we talk about Trump stimulus check 2 coming after the election. With only a few days left before the election Nancy Pelosi is still hopeful she can get a second stimulus check package done in time. The Senate and House have to still vote on a stimulus package deal before it can go to the Presidents desk. After Trump signs the new stimulus check 2 package then checks will start to go out a week or so after that. So look for a stimulus checks in the mail a couple weeks into November. 👍 Comment below so I can answer all your questions 👍 ⚠️⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️⚠️ Legal Disclosure: I’m not a financial advisor. The information contained in this video is for entertainment purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional. Any stock purchases I show on this video should not be considered “investment recommendations”. I shall not be held liable for any losses you may incur for investing and trading in the stock market in attempt to mirror what I do. Unless investments are FDIC insured, they may decline in value and/or disappear entirely. Please be careful and understand the risks involved with any investments. #stimuluscheck #stimuluscheckupdate #stimulusupdate Tyler Pratt

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