Tuesday, August 4, 2020

2nd Stimulus Check Update And Stimulus Package News: August 4th

2nd Stimulus Check Update And Stimulus Package News: August 4th https://youtu.be/ALb80SstvJQ Congress is still working on the next stimulus package, or at least they appear to be working on it. In this video I address the second stimulus check, what priorities the Democrats have, and when Nancy Pelosi believes we will have an agreement over the next stimulus package... Second Stimulus Check Update August 3rd: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kCwDFwyIHU How To Make Money Watching YouTube Videos: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLrMGwQmS8M #secondstimuluscheck #stimulusupdate #stimuluspackage This next stimulus package is going to tell us a lot about what Congress thinks of the American people. We have been in this pandemic for months and all we have received was a one-time $1,200 stimulus check. If you are eager to get your hands on the second stimulus check and possibly more stimulus then you are not alone. What I have noticed about this stimulus package is the stimulus payments here are not as favorable to individuals. Yes, there is a lot of additional stimulus that could go around, but the truth is that this next stimulus package will favor those with businesses or assets. This is the reason why I always recommend for anybody to start an online business during their downtime. Stimulus payments are great, but the problem right now is that these payments are tied to the rest of the stimulus package. So, right now if liability protection doesn’t pass then neither will the 2nd stimulus check. The same goes for the federal unemployment extension. If this doesn’t pass, then the second stimulus check might not pass either. There is a lot of stimulus news coming out everyday and for good reason, more and more people are needing help while our government is nowhere to be found. It would be nice if we could all rely on the government to help us in our time of need, but that doesn’t look like it is going to happen. Thank you for watching this second stimulus check update and stimulus package update. If you are enjoying these daily stimulus updates then please make sure you LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE so that you never miss a new stimulus check update. HomemadeEntrepreneur

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