Monday, July 20, 2020

2nd Stimulus Check Update: $2,000 Checks | FREE Money | Hazard Pay | Financial Help

2nd Stimulus Check Update: $2,000 Checks | FREE Money | Hazard Pay | Financial Help Today is the day! Let's dive into the 2nd stimulus check update and talk about what is going on the day that the Senate gets back to Capitol Hill. In this video I will go over the truth to the $2,000 per month stimulus check, the possibility of hazard pay for you, and also show you a way to get free money today! Stimulus Check Update July 19: - Earn $740 For Free Downloading Ebooks: - 3 Recession Proof Businesses You Must Start Now: - Earn $100 Per Day From Images: - #secondstimuluscheck #stimuluscheckupdate #stimulus Today is the day that the Senate is back at Capitol Hill, which means we should have a lot more exciting news over the next 3 weeks. What I discuss in today's video is the truth behind the $2,000 per month stimulus check that Kamala Harris was pushing for. Many people here on YouTube and elsewhere online have been talking about the $2,000 stimulus check like it is coming tomorrow. Trust me, the likelihood of a $2,000 per month stimulus check passing through the Senate is not high. Just know that as of this morning the only option and possibly the best option available to the American people is a one-time payment of $1,200. Another thing that I talk about in today's video is how many states, cities, and even counties are putting together their own programs to offer hazard pay for essential workers. If you are an essential worker, then this might be the time for you to see if hazard pay is coming available to you based on where you live. Did you know that Donald Trump is now softening his stance on the payroll tax cut? This is what I got out of an interview that Donald Trump did on Sunday and it sounds like this would be good news for anybody on social security. Now, over the next few weeks we will hear a lot of stimulus check news and stimulus package news. The time has finally come where the Senate can pass a bill if they see fit. I know many Americans would greatly benefit from a 2nd stimulus check, so hopefully that will be one of the first things that gets confirmed. Thank you for watching this second stimulus check update and stimulus package update. If you would like more stimulus updates then please LIKE, SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE so that you never miss a stimulus package update. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▼ ▽ WHAT TO WATCH NEXT ▼ ▽ 👇🏼WORK FROM HOME VIDS👇🏼 🔲5 Ways To Make Money While You Sleep: 🔲Earn Money On Fiverr Without Doing The Work: 🔲Earn Money Typing Names Online: 👇🏼 Profitable Online Businesses 👇🏼 🔲Make $100 Per Day On YouTube Without Filming: 🔲How To Easily Make Money Typing: 🔲Upload Images Online And Earn: ✅ Subscribe To The Homemade Entrepreneur Channel ➡️ HomemadeEntrepreneur

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